If unpleasant odors persist in the kitchen sink, there could be a sewage problem.
Unpleasant odors in the kitchen are common, as food may spoil, the garbage may need to be taken out, or a mess may not have been thoroughly cleaned. However, if the odor persists despite all cleaning efforts, the culprit may be the kitchen sink. Kitchen sinks can be challenging to clean, especially when emitting an odor; however, there are some methods to keep the kitchen plumbing smelling clean.
Install a soil vent pipe
If unpleasant odors persist in the kitchen sink, there could be a sewage problem. It may be necessary to install a soil vent pipe to expel the odor. Sewage smells are especially common in homes that run off a septic system.
Mind the septic tank
In addition to installing a soil vent pipe, have a professional check the septic tank. A backed-up system could produce foul sewage smells that creep through the kitchen and bathroom drains. Rather than dealing with the smell, call a plumber to come out and inspect the pipes and septic system.
Septic system backups can be prevented by avoiding flushing certain items down the drain. Avoid flushing toilet paper, tissues, and paper towels, and instead keep a wastebasket nearby. Dental floss, kitty litter, hair, and plastic should also never enter a septic system. Make sure there are screens on all the drains to prevent inert materials from accidentally being washed into the septic system. Lastly, food products like coffee grounds, egg shells, melon rinds, and others should stay out of the sink. Be sure to discard all food products in the trash rather than the sink.
Dispose of food properly
Dinnertime can be chaotic, especially with small children. While trying to cook, clean up the kitchen, and prepare for bedtime, scraping the dishes may be at the bottom of the to-do list. However, particles of food that enter the kitchen sink could clog up the drain. Drains clogged with animal fat and food debris can lead to unpleasant odors. However, clogged drains can often be spotted long before an odor arises. If the water in the sink starts to drain slower, there’s likely a clog down the drain.
To expel the unpleasant odor, address the clog first. With a plunger, try to work the clog out of the drain. Follow with pouring boiling water down the drain. Dump the boiling water into the sink carefully to avoid burns. The hot water may loosen clogs, mainly if the clog results from built-up grease and fat.
The best course of action against foul sink odors is to prevent them from happening at all. Avoid putting certain foods down the train, and consider devices like a soil vent pipe. If all cleaning efforts are rendered useless, it’s best to contact a professional to resolve the problem. Plumbers have the experience and knowledge to expel odors that are too advanced for the average homeowner to handle.
If you need an honest, dependable plumber in the Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, or Chandler area, call Jimmy at 480-757-1273.Our residential plumbing services include water heater, faucets and sinks, drain cleaning, toilet repairs and installations, and backflow prevention. We also provide commercial plumbing service for business owners.